
Huey Lewis And The News!

My love for Huey Lewis started at randomly. It was actually because I wanted Summer to love him. I didn't really know any songs, and I kind of went down a rabbit hole.

Unlike Billy, I haven't been into him enough to have any merch with him on it.

I'm also slowly getting through his discrography. And here I thought I missed out when it came to Billy. At least Billy is still touring!

Now it might be considered cheating, but my favorite album is the Huey Lewis & The News Greatest Hits album!

There is no bad song on it (besides Crusin' but that's another story)

Album Standouts:

The Heart Of Rock n' Roll

The Power Of Love

Stuck With You

Doing It All For My Baby

If This Is It

Hope You Love Me Like You Say You Do

Hip To Be Square