
Summer Black was born January 26th, 1964 in Beendigung. She was a failed wishgranter who was banished due to her failures. This would all change in 2000, when she would overhear John Dinewood make a wish for happiness.

Before John Dinewood

Summer Black was born January 26th, 1964. Information about her parents is limited because she was one of one thousand children born as a result of Dr. Robert Sanders (1924-1972) experiment in attempting to raise wishgranter birth rates. It is believed her parents were Anwir Sulton (1924-2001) and Alice Frost (1932-1969).

Anwir Sulton was the headmaster of the Academy Of Sorcery in Beendigung. He started off as a wishgranting history teacher in 1950, his rank would be promoted, records of when his promotion occurred have been lost to time. Alice Frost was born in Sturminsel. She would move to Beedingung after the death of her parents to begin caring for her ill aunt, Madam Esther Burke (1920-1945). While studying at the Academy Of Sorcery, Anwir would meet Alice and develop a companionship. After the death of Esther, Alice would move into the Sulton household and work as a paid servant. All information after this point was lost after a mass fire destroyed the Sulton fortune in 1969 claiming the life of Alice. Anwir would go on to work as the headmaster until 2001 when he died of a heart attack.

Not much is known about Summer's early life. She was placed into Gardner Education at six years-old. Few records exist of her early education. In a document from 1974, her comprehension teacher would write, "Summer lacks the ability to understand human skills. When tasked with the human skill of such as the very popular tradition of flying a kite. She refused to move the kite claiming it would move on it's own." In 1975, Summer would meet Warner Weber (1964).

Relationship With Warner Weber

Warner Weber was born November 2nd, 1964 in Beendigung. His parents were, Paul (1942-1986) and Ruth Martin (1942-1989). In 1974, Paul would successfully grant a wish and turn into a swan. In 1977, Ruth would grant a wish and become a swan. Abandoned by 13, Warner swore off swanning.

Summer and Warner would meet on May 14th, 1977 when Warner accidentally ran into her in the hall. Summer paid little attention to him, having been told constantly by Frau Apfel that boys were nothing but trouble. Warner on the opposite hand, felt curious about Summer and began to try to become friends with her. His attempts were ignored by her up until July of 1978 when Summer finally began paying more attention to him. It in unknown what their friendship was like at the beginning, it is just known that it flourished within a few months. In a photograph taken for The Star Daily in 1978, Summer and Warner were featured in the background studying a wipius for Professor Farris Nikolaidis's class on caring for deep wood creatures.

Warner would begin telling Summer about his distaste in granting wishes. By 1975, Summer had already been informed that she would likely never be a good wishgranter, still, she had hope that she would be able to. The two of them decided that they would not grant wishes and would instead live their lives together.

In 1982, Summer and Warner would get married to each other. There wedding was relatively small as both lacked families and friends. The two would move to Frits. Summer worked as a baker in Zu Seuss, while Warner began working as a writer for The Star Daily. Between 1984 to 1989, the two would attempt to have four children.

The process of wishgranters child birth is compellingly odd. A female and male wishgranter must pick a star from the sea of Oda, then the female wishgranter must sew into the night sky. If the star is chosen, it will turn into a child. Concerns over the decreasing wishgranter population have been in dicussion for years now. 42% of wishgranters get swanned before turning twenty four. In a study from 1986, Frank Hansen (1899-1999) claimed that, "...the populations decrease is a direct result of the rate of wishes being granted." He also stated that, "Time is also the issue. No one has the time to go through the efforts of childbirth Reaching the sea of Oda can take someone years if they lack the resources and money."

Unfortunately for Summer and Warner, their stars were never selected to move onto the next stage of creation. In 1989, Summer would finally be told by Dr. Manuel Drake that she was unable to have kids. Pushed into a depression, Warner would promptly find a person in need and grant their wish, resulting in his swanning.

Attempts At Wishgranting

Distraught, Summer would begin to search for someones wish to grant in order to join Warner. In 1990, Summer would meet Jason Frazier (1974). His wish would be to get Heather Boyer (1975) to be his girlfriend. According to the Records Of Wishgranters (Year 1960 t0 1969), Summer accidentally caused Jason to crash his car into Heather's house.

After John Dinewood