Pat Walker was born October 31st, 1966 in Paradise Hill. He is the current handyman at Paradise Park.
Before Summer Black
Patrick Walker was born in October 31st, 1966 to Alan Walker (1929) and Dorothy Spencer (1937). He was the second of seven children; Mary (1965), Barbra (1968) Joseph (1968), Harry (1968), Margaret Anne (1970), and Donald (1971).
Alan Walker was born in Greenfield on November 19th 1929. His parents were english teachers at Southview high school that believed in a traditional lifestyle.
Dorothy Spencer was born April 12, 1937 in Frankfort, Kentucky. In 1942, her father, Karl Spencer (1916-1943), was sent to fight into World War II. He would be killed in Tunisia in 1943. Destroyed be the grief of losing her husband, Maria Spencer (1915-1943) would kill herself by sticking her head in her gas stove leaving behind Dorothy to be cared for by Maria's mother, Joanna Rivers (1899-1982). Between 1995 to 1950, Dorothy and Joanna would travel across the states before ending up in Gary. In 1955, Dorothy would meet Alan Walker at a gardening club. In 1958, they would marry and move just outside of Paradise Hill.
Pat was raised in the quiet suburb of Cumberland. Most of his childhood would be spent caring for his younger siblings with his older sister, Mary. With Alan and Dorothy often spending long hours at work and church, Pat would often be left to do the heavy tasked chores. By the age of six, Pat was cutting firewood and mowing the lawn. At 11, Pat would begin learning how contruct household items such as fixing table legs and attaching dollheads. Although he was not a poor student, Pat was less than a star student in his classes. Since he spent his time doing housework, he often had no time to study.
In 1982, Pat would begin working as a mechanic at Greenfield Garage where he would meet Lillian Rogers (1966). Lily was a classmate at Indepence Park High School that shared an english class with Pat. At first, Lily would ignore Pat due to her friends disliking him. Things would change in May of 1984 when Lily's car would break down right off the interstate and Pat would be the one sent out. In 1987, Pat and Lily would marry and move to Paradise Hill so that Lily could be closer to her mother.
In 1991, Lily and Pat would begin attempting to start their own family. Pat would leave Greenfield Garage due to low pay and move onto Paradise Park to begin work as a handyman.
Pat's relationship with John has always been on simple terms. John is very appreciative from all the work Pat does for him and often chooses him to work harder task. Pat understands that John has issues and tries to limit his judgement on the other man.
Pat and Lily would welcome their first daughter, Elizabeth (Betty) Clarabell Walker , on March 21st, 1992
On July 5th, 1995, Lucille (Lucy) Cecilia Walker was born. Their further attempts at growing their family was unfortunately stopped when Lily was diagnosed with stage II breast cancer in 1999. Pat would end up keeping this information from the guys at the park. He does a lot of overtime to earn more money for his family.
Life by 2000 was quiet for Pat. He spent his time caring for his wife and kids, working at the park, and in his free time relaxing by doing around the house construnction chores such as his deck he built the summer of 1998.
After Summer Black
On February 14th, 2000; Pat was initially concerned for John's behavior, however, he was more focused on returning home to celebrate the holiday with Lily. When he first met Summer Black, he was immediately suspicious of her and why she had suddenly arrived. However, his opinion on her would change when he saw how much she was changing John for the better and how she was helping him cope with the stresses of his life.